About Me

Hello! My name is Larry. I am on a journey of a lifetime. I decided one day to buy a one way ticket to Barcelona, Spain. It is my conquest to travel the world. I hope to end up in Nepal, Cambodia, Thailand, and other areas of this region. But to start I had to get across the Ocean. Finding a $300 Ticket online was my sign! So off I am to see the world!I have been living in Spain for the summer in Barcelona, working as a manager to a bar crawl. I have been cycling throughout europe this winter to see as much as i can. i started in Barcelona and now i am in Germany about to head back!. Please donate to keep me alive!

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Where I work!

I am currently the overall manager of www.bcneventsandcrawls.com in Barcelona, Spain. We do party planning and event coordination. Our specialty is our Born to Crawl bar crawl! Check out the site for pictures and see my life!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So I had a terrible past three days. I got robbed and I got stuck in a storm. To top it all off my tarp got Ripped off my tent and blew away, And.....My tent has been blown to shreds. I had to do a midnight dash to the highway in the pouring rain and hail to hitchhike for two hours before someone got me.
Now lets talk about those anarchy kids. What a group of Shit heads. If the world went according to them, society would implode. All they do is steal, fight, and drink. They Gang robbed me (A bunch of cowards too, they cant even do one on one) and then just tried to fuck my shit up. Luckily I had my solid wood cane but push came to shove i had to give up what was in my pockets. But there was no way in hell I would let them have my Bag and they knew it. So after Hiking all the way to france, I come back with half my stuff, tore up, beat up and most of all hungry because I could not find a gas station or food for my life! Ughhhhh
So now I have no idea what to do or what made me decide to come to europe. It seems like travelling like this was a dream and should stay a dream. Fuck the anarchist kids, they really know how to screw up a trip. I am really thinking about coming home and starting over. Doing the whole american thing of just working, and doing nothing. I had my fun. Guess it might be over. A faliure is a faliure.